Commins Hendricks SolicitorsCommins Hendricks Solicitors
1800 643 779

Rural Conveyancing

Selling a rural property takes preparation.

We can work with you to prepare a contract which assists in the marketing of your property. At the same time, you must make sure that the contract covers all the issues particular to you and the time of year that you sell.

Buying a rural property involves much more than buying a home or a business asset. We can assist you with reviewing a property purchase and talk to you about the tips and the traps in completing the transaction.

At Commins Hendriks, we have specialised knowledge and experience as we have worked with hundreds of families. We also have staff that work in their own family business and give an insight from your perspective.

For more details and assistance, please contact 1800 643 779 or a member of our specialised team.
